What is the All-In-One Grow Bag?
The All-In-One Grow Bag is a pre-sterilized, ready-to-use kit for cultivating mushrooms at home. It contains a specially formulated mixture of grain and substrate, providing an optimal environment for mushroom growth.
Who can use this grow bag?
This kit is suitable for both beginners and experienced growers.
What supplies do I need before starting?
Masks/Gloves are suggested but not mandatory. Enhances likelihood of improved outcomes.
- A spore syringe or liquid culture (5-10cc) for your chosen mushroom species.
- Disposable nitrile or latex gloves.
- A mask.
- 70% isopropyl alcohol.
- A paper towel.
How do I inoculate the grow bag?
- Turn off fans or air conditioning for at least 30 minutes before starting to minimize contamination.
- Put on gloves and a mask.
- Spray and wipe your work area, gloves, grow bag, and inoculation port with 70% isopropyl alcohol.
- Inject 10cc of spore solution or liquid culture into the grain portion through the self-healing injection port.
- Spray the injection port again with alcohol after injecting.
- Place the bag in a clean area with a consistent temperature between 70-80°F, ideally around 74°F.
How long does it take for the mycelium to develop?
White mycelium will start to develop within 14 days. Allow the bag to colonize undisturbed for 20-45 days, until it has colonized approximately 30-40%.
What do I do after the bag is 30% colonized?
- Cut a small corner of the bag and cover it with two layers of micropore tape for air exchange.
- Break up the white clumps of colonized grain and shake the bag to evenly distribute the mycelium.
- Tamp down the substrate to create a level surface.
- Expose the bag to indirect sunlight or a 6500K LED on a 12-hour on/off timer.
LED lights are recommended for maximum yield. However, mushrooms can thrive without them and do not need LED lights.
How will I know when it’s time to harvest?
The bag is fully colonized when the entire block is white with mushroom mycelium. Pins (baby mushrooms) will appear 7-14 days after full colonization. Mushrooms will be ready for harvest about 7 days after pinning.
What is the best time to harvest mushrooms?
Harvest before or just after the mushroom veil begins to break. The veil is a thin, membranous tissue that extends from the stem to the edge of the cap.
How do I harvest the mushrooms?
- Wear disposable gloves.
- Cut the top of the bag just below the seal.
- Gently grip the mushrooms at their base, twist, and pull them up.
- Use scissors or a knife to cut off any attached substrate from the bottoms of the mushrooms.
- After harvesting, fold the top of the bag over and use paper clips to close it.
How many flushes of mushrooms can I expect?
Subsequent flushes of mushrooms will appear in 2-4 weeks after the first harvest. Continue harvesting until you notice signs of contamination (usually a green color) or until the mushrooms stop producing.
What should I do with the spent grow bag?
The spent block can be added to your compost pile or placed directly in a garden bed.
Any final tips for success?
Follow the provided instructions carefully, maintain a clean growing area, and be patient. Before you know it, you’ll be enjoying a tasty harvest of homegrown mushrooms. Happy growing!
Video Tutorial
Shake & Cut Info
Shake & Cut steps only needed for the variants following: Lions Mane, Pink/Elm Oyster, and Chestnut. If you don't have the variant just listed, follow the Shake & Break method and then proceed to harvest.